4 Reasons Landscapers Near Me Recommend Including Fertilization in a Lawn Care Plan in Hamburg Township, MI

4 Reasons Landscapers Near Me Recommend Including Fertilization in a Lawn Care Plan in Hamburg Township, MI

Before you contact “landscapers near me” in the Hamburg Township, MI, area, you may want to know why it is important to include fertilization in your lawn plan. Here are four important reasons why landscapers tend to view fertilization as an integral aspect of any lawn care plan.

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Lawn Health

Just as you need more than water and air to thrive, your lawn needs more than the adequate amount of sun, air, and water to thrive. For the ultimate health of individuals, many people take vitamins and supplements that enhance their health and prevent disease. The same concept is true for the health of grass, and why having fertilization included in your lawn care plan can be viewed as essential. Grass requires specific nutrients to be healthy, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. All of these nutrients are generally included in fertilizer.

However, there are times when other micronutrients are needed. A lawn care professional can take a look at your lawn or take a soil sample to determine if your lawn is lacking any nutrients. Other nutrients that may be required include iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and boron.


If you want your lawn to look vibrantly green and lush, then including fertilization in your lawn care plan is a great idea. When grass has all of the nutrients that it needs, it will be set up to thrive—and subsequently look lush and green. The aesthetics of a healthy lawn cannot compare to a landscape that is deprived of the nutrients that it needs to grow and thrive. Everyone who visits your home or commercial property will surely be impressed with the beauty of your well-maintained lawn.

Weed Control

Many weeds are generally small, but they can become a big problem really quickly. Whether these weeds be dandelions, crabgrass, chickweed, thistle, or any number of the other common lawn weeds, they can become unsightly and take over your lawn. When a lawn is healthy and thriving, weeds have less of an opportunity to take root and grow—the grass roots are stronger and more resilient. While it is nearly impossible to eliminate all of the weeds all of the time—simply because seeds float through the air and can land on your property—when you have your lawn fertilized, their occurrence will be rare and far between.

Pest & Disease Resistance

A strong and healthy root system also increases the resistance to pests and diseases. Grubs are notorious for completely destroying the root system of the grass. At first, you may notice wilted grass, but soon you will begin to notice dead patches throughout your lawn. And grubs are just one of the many common lawn pests.

Some of the more common lawn diseases include brown patches, powdery mildew, red thread, snow mold, and fairy rings. Some of these diseases are fungal and others are not. When too much or too little fertilizer is used, your lawn can become susceptible to such diseases. Getting rid of lawn diseases can be tricky, which is why lawn care professionals are recommended for this task.

Related: Here Is How a Lawn Service Near Me Can Make This Season a Breeze in Scio Township and Lodi Township, MI

About the Author:

For nearly 40 years, Great Outdoors has been growing relationships by providing high-quality residential and commercial landscaping services for the greater Southeast Michigan area. Specializing in full-service lawn care and creative outdoor living solutions, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment, high-end materials, and quality workmanship. We’ll help create the perfect yard to accent and complement your home.


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