Here’s Why a Fertilization Schedule Belongs in Your Lawn Care Plan This Year in the Ann Arbor and Hamburg Township, MI, Areas

Lawn care is essential to keep your property looking its best yet fertilization is not always top of mind when admiring the view of one’s landscape. When you hire a landscape contractor to care for your Ann Arbor and Hamburg Township, MI, area property, here are some reasons why fertilization services should be included in your lawn care regimen:

Related: Is Now the Best Time for Lawn Fertilization for Ann Arbor, MI, Landscapes?

Keeps Lawn Healthy

If you want your lawn to look great and be healthy overall, fertilization services can help. Fertilization is a process that provides nutrients to the grass which helps the lawn to grow well and stay green during the peak weather months. With regular fertilization services, your grass gets the nutrients through these additional healthy supplements. Your landscape contractor will recommend fertilization intervals as the various applications can help during the different seasons and each season your lawn requires fertilization for a different distinct reason.

Reduces Weeds

Weeds can destroy the health of your grass. In order to keep weeds away or at least keep them at a minimal level, fertilization can help. Your landscape contractor may recommend weed control measures in separate applications but fertilization also helps to keep weeds from rapidly appearing. When your grass is healthy through fertilization, weeds are less likely to grow which means these troublesome growths won’t kill your grass.

Protects the Lawn During Cold Weather

You might expect your grass to turn brown during the winter and lose its healthy attributes. However, when you have fertilizer applied to your grass at scheduled intervals before the winter arrives, you can ensure your grass will stay healthy even during the cold weather. Even if you can’t see your grass underneath all the snow during the winter, you want the root system to stay healthy which can be accomplished through regular fertilizer applications.

Helps Grass Grow Evenly

You may occasionally experience uneven patches of grass on your lawn. However, when you have regular fertilizer sessions scheduled, your grass grows more evenly since it’s all receiving the same level of fertilizer during each application session. It’s difficult to fix patchy dead grass when you have various spots pop up. Therefore, it’s better to schedule fertilization services to help make this type of occurrence less likely. With fertilizer applications during the heat of summer and in the fall before the winter freeze, you can take preventive measures to keep your lawn healthy and grass growing evenly throughout the yard.

Helps Grass During Different Seasons

Fertilization services occur at different times throughout the year for various reasons. During the spring, the fertilizer applications help grass recover from the harsh winter and prepare for the warm weather season. In the summer, fertilizer helps the grass battle the heat and stay protected from pests and infestation issues that can kill the grass. Weed control and pest protection applications may also be used in the summer in conjunction with your fertilizer applications. In the fall, fertilization services help to protect the grass in anticipation of the cold winter.

Related: 5 Hidden Benefits of Lawn Fertilization in the Lodi Township and Ann Arbor, MI, Areas

About the Author:

For nearly 40 years, Great Outdoors has been growing relationships by providing high-quality residential and commercial landscaping services for the greater Southeast Michigan area. Specializing in full-service lawn care and creative outdoor living solutions, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment, high-end materials, and quality workmanship. We’ll help create the perfect yard to accent and complement your home.


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